The final say is with the developer and, sadly, CS6/Acrobat Pro XI are unsupported 'old' applications these days. Enterprise and team customers: See your admin for assistance. Won't be moving OS until I have to! What makes it worse is that I checked with Apple that Big Sur would run ALL 64-bit applications, but this is NOT the case. Adobe apps available for download Apps available for download Last updated on We provide installers for our current apps and the previous major version of each. Just happy to be back in Mojave with everything working again. Free Stock Download 1,000,000+ premium assets from the new Adobe Stock Free Collection.

I have a Windows edition in a nice box of CS6 Master Collection (so i just worked out) as i didn't install on my old Windows PC and now after downloading the Mac version as the CD's don't work, the. I just purchased an iMac 5K Retina and want to install on it. I had the same problem with Acrobat Pro XI but if and when I have to move to Big Sur (or later), Readdle's 64-bit PDF Expert for Mac seems to do everything I need. I own CS6 Master Collection and finally getting around to installing it. I am exploring whether I can use Skylum Luminar, Affinity, or DxO instead. As an amateur Photographer (and being retired) I can't justify the CC subscription when CS6 does all, and more, than I need. I had a real problem reverting to Mojave from TimeMachine but got there in the end with telephone support one Sunday from Apple in Dublin. I guess there are 32-bit parts in the Application Libraries or elsewhere.

Looking in 'About this Mac' shows Adobe Photoshop CS6 as 64-bit.