
Imperial units in not available in autocad structural detailing 2015
Imperial units in not available in autocad structural detailing 2015

imperial units in not available in autocad structural detailing 2015

You have to convert metric to imperial to find the ltscale.

imperial units in not available in autocad structural detailing 2015

Unfortunately, it s not that simple when working in metric. If your drawing scale is 1"=40, your ltscale will be 40 when working on your drawing in modelspace, and 1 when plotting your drawing in paperspace. Linetype Scale Metric Scale Dim Scale 1: : : : : : : In imperial units, the linetype scale is equal to the plot scale. If you want your arrow size to be 4 mm on paper, set that variable to 4. Text conversion for millimeter text: Size in millimeters Size in inchesĢ of Dimensioning Dimscale for different metric scales: All the dimensioning variables should be sized in terms millimeters. A text size of 4mm on paper will be.004 x 500 = 2m tall in the modelspace drawing. The actual text size will then be the millimeter value multiplied by the drawing scale. Annotation You have to think of your text size in terms of millimeters and not inches. Zooming scales for common metric scales: Metric Scale Zooming Scale 1:100 10xp 1:200 5xp 1:250 4xp 1:500 2xp 1:1000 1xp 1: xp 1: xp Then when you plot, you will still be plotting 1 to 1 or 1 drawing unit = 1 mm. So we would scale the viewport differently - 1 meter / 200 millimeter. But remember, our paperspace units are mm. Our first thought would be to scale the viewport 1/200xp. That means 1 meter on paper = 200 meters in the model space drawing.

imperial units in not available in autocad structural detailing 2015

Scaling the viewports - A common metric scale is 1/200 or 1/1000. So in paperspace, your E size sheet will be units x units. That same sheet in metric will be mm x mm (There are 25.4 mm in one inch). For example, an E size sheet is about 43" x 33". 1 of 9 Using Metric Units in AutoCAD and Land Desktop Metric: AutoCAD Fundamentals Metric Units in Modelspace and Paperspace When working in metric units with AutoCAD and Land Desktop: Modelspace: 1 unit = 1 meter Paperspace: 1 unit = 1 millimeter Your title block should be sized in accordance with millimeters.

Imperial units in not available in autocad structural detailing 2015